Bathroom Additions

647-277-4577 109 Fernstaff Crt,
Vaughan, Ontario L4K 3M1

How to Plan Bathroom Additions: Ideas and Benefits

A common addition choice is the bathroom. Not only is it a struggle for a family greater than 3 to live with one bathroom, but it isn’t an attractive prospect for potential buyers either.

Bathroom space must be the single most fought about space in any home. When everyone gets up at the same time and needs the time and space to get ready for work and school, tempers can flare. All that can change with a bathroom addition, though.

Everyone deserves a space to retreat to for comfort and the relaxation of a bath, but that doesn’t mean that other people should have to wait to use it. If you’re considering a bathroom addition- keep reading!

How Much to Invest?

Before you get carried away, consider your budget. An average bathroom addition will run you $50,000. It’s a reasonable investment, though, and on resale you should recoup around 52% of that.

It does add value to your home, because buyers love bathroom space. If you have no plans to move within the next five years- then an addition is for you.

Toronto bathroom addition

What can be done:

  • make your bathroom spa-like.
  • install high-end vanities.
  • convenience of all family members & guests.
  • remodel to fit your special needs.

Call in the Professional Renovators

Because a bathroom addition involves plumbers, as well as the builders and electricians that come standard with a home addition. You want to understand where you would like to build the addition and how difficult the prospect may be to have it plumbed in, etc. You won’t get a true scope of the cost until you’ve consulted a professional.

For potential buyers, they look for homes with balance, the number of bathrooms should be similar to the number of bedrooms. So, a bathroom that comes in line with the number of bedrooms provides a bigger return. About Bedroom additions you can read more here.

The most valuable bathroom is the second, and that could be the difference between your house selling or not. You should also have a shower and a bathtub. Showers are convenient, but kids need tub time, and many people love a bubble bath to relax after a hard day in work.

Before taking the plunge, check with a real estate agent to see if your neighborhood can support a value increase. You could face diminishing returns if your home is already one of the nicer units in the area and you’re considering an expensive addition. Find out what potential buyers expect from a home in your location and of your size. If the expensive upgrades are important to you, then consider the- otherwise, don’t bother.

Your concern may be nothing to do with resale value or potential buyers. If you are tired of having bath time interrupted by the family lining up to use it next, then your concern isn’t on recouping your investment.

Understanding the value of your home can prevent you from making costly mistakes, but if your goal is peace and harmony in the home…. Well, that’s just priceless.

If you plan a Bathroom Addition, do not hesitate to contact us for the price quote, or if you have any questions about Additions in general, Our professionals ready to help you anytime.